Working Groups & Committees
Social Justice Working Group
The mission of the North Carolina Fellowship of Friends Social Justice Working Group is to be a catalyst for change in the policies, structures and institutions that disenfranchise those individuals in society who are the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. By focusing our energy on strategies which enable these groups and individuals to achieve equity in the distribution of economic and social rights, we acknowledge that there is “that of God” in all humans and that our faith calls us to act to raise awareness, build alliances and create change in our communities.
Goal for NCFF Antiracism dialogues:
Through regular discussions, readings, and sharing, we seek to educate ourselves about the impact of racism in our lives with the goal of transforming our Meetings and our larger communities so we can live out Friends’ testimony of equality in a racist world.
Meeting Nurture and Development
Committee description, goals and objectives along with programming ideas and plans
- Pastoral Minister Encouragement – Although Friends (Quakers) recognize that everyone is a minister, NCFF does have a number of meetings with paid full-time / part-time pastoral ministers. The Meeting Nurture and Development Committee seeks to identify ways for pastoral ministers within NCFF to gather for encouragement, support, fellowship, and equipping. This may take the form of one-day events or extended retreats.
- Leadership Development – Our meetings are often hungry and in need of developing leadership in an ongoing manner. Often individual meetings don’t have the resources to offer leadership training and development on their own. The committee would like to play a role in offering leadership development events and resources that would support the local meetings. The hope would be to help local meetings identify and equip a spiritual community of leaders within their meeting which will provide energizing guidance and direction for the meeting.
- Ministry and Counsel Support – The Committee on Meeting Nurture and Development sees itself as a resource for the local Ministry and Counsel in areas such as hiring, transitions, planning retreats, staffing, strategic planning, annual reviews, meeting leadership, etc. The Committee on Meeting Nurture and Development seeks to help each Ministry and Counsel be their best in offering that spiritual leadership.
- Congregational Development – Often the whole meeting / congregation benefits from training, coaching, and consulting. The Committee on Meeting Nurture and Development wants to be available to offer support and resources towards helping each local meeting flourish and become fruitful in their calling.
Church Extension Fund
Purpose and Concerns: Assist meetings in developing and building the spiritual life and witness of the meeting.
Process: Meeting may apply for grants to assist in financing meeting house repairs and improvements (such as: equipment and meeting room modification for virtual, and hybrid meeting for worship), provide seed money for new ministries and outreach, or to offer assistance for pastoral support.
Meetings are to submit a proposal, with a budget of the project, to the clerk of NCFF at
All proposals will be reviewed and approved by the NCFF Finance Committee, and reported to the NCFF annual meeting.
Links to other Friends Organizations
- American Friends Service Committee
- Earlham School of Religion
- Fayetteville Quaker House
- Friends Committee on National Legislation
- Friends Committee on North Carolina Legislation
- Friends Church of North Carolina
- Friends General Conference
- Friends United Meeting
- Friends World Committee for Consultation
- Guilford College
- North Carolina Council of Churches
- North Carolina Peace Resource Center
- North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative)
- Quaker Earthcare Witness
- Quaker Initiative to End Torture (QUIT)